About Aquarium


Want to keep fish? Well here’s how…. Follow our step-by-step guide to setting up your aquarium.

The simplest definition of an aquarium is a container capable of holding water in which fish & other aquatic organisms can live over a long period of time. Aquariology is the study of keeping fish in an aquarium. It explores the reasons for keeping fish & requires knowledge of the biological characteristics of fish, as well as of such aspects of their husbandry as feeding & nutrition, reproduction, water quality management, sources & control of stress, & disease control.

Step 1 Location

It is very important to choose the right place to put your aquarium. It is best to avoid ‘high-traffic areas’, such as hallways or near doors which are used a lot as these are just areas where an accident is waiting to happen. You should try and keep your aquarium out of draughty areas and heating and air conditioning ducts. Changes in temperature can affect the aquarium’s water quality and cause stress to your fish. Try and keep the aquarium out of direct sunlight too because the water could over heat and kill your fish and as well as that sunlight causes algae growth.

The aquarium should be placed on a level and very stable surface. It is best to place polystyrene sheets underneath. It should be near an electrical outlet to allow the filter, pump and lights to be plugged in.

Step 2 Location

An aquarium needs light-it is a valuable source of energy for the aquarium foliage and it enhances the brilliant of your fish.

Step 3 Aeration

Oxygen must be available to all living things in your aquarium to enable them to live. To provide this oxygen.

Step 4 Filtration

Waste solids-such as uneaten fish food, fish waste, and any kind of biological particles must be filtered from the water

Step 5 Gravel

The bottom of your aquarium should be covered with gravel. The layer of gravel is another home for our beneficial bacteria

Step 6 Decoration

With the gravel and equipment now in place, you can start to turn your aquarium into a natural living world which

Step 7 The Water

Now that your aquarium is decorated and your equipment is in place, you’re ready to add the water

Step 8 Adding Fish

At this stage you are now ready to add fish to aquarium. Your filter should be on and running and your water

Step 9 Maintenance

To ensure that your aquarium remains beautiful and in good shape there are a few guidelines you have to follow.

About Aquatic

With basic knowledge of aquarium maintenance and tropical fish husbandry, anyone can create and propagate a self-contained aquatic environment that can provide hours of enjoyment and relaxation.

Medical research has shown that aquariums can be effective stress management tools; that is, reduced anxiety levels and lowered blood pressure can result from spending just a few minutes every day observing the steady, flowing movement of aquatic life.

There are three types of environments that tropical fish hobbyists can choose from: Fresh Water, Brackish Water, & Salt Water.

Given the large variety of tropical fish available in the pet trade, I will not attempt to offer advice on what fish you should keep with what other fish. Always tell your pet store what fish you have before purchasing a new variety. Hopefully, they will be well trained to advise you. As a general rule, and I mean very general, you can have one inch of fish per gallon. If you have a 10 gallon tank, you can have 101″ fish or 5- 2″ fish, etc.

When you bring home your new fish, keep them in the bag and place the entire bag in the aquarium and float it for about 15 minutes so the temperatures are about the same to avoid shock. Open the bag, and let slowly let the water from the bag and the tank exchange. They should swim out of the bag into the tank. Do not leave the tank unattended during this process, as you may need to coax them out of the bag if you notice any gasping.